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Many hands make light work and we would love to welcome you as a Kitty City volunteer!


Our volunteers are making a real difference in the lives of the animals at the Kitty City sanctuary as well as helping hundreds of homeless pets. Volunteering requires love, compassion, patience, time, energy and dedication. It’s also fun, fulfilling and you get to make new friends.


We have many volunteer opportunities from helping to care for our Sanctuary cats to helping prepare cats for adoption, fostering, cleaning duties at Petco, events, transporting, trapping and more. We ask that volunteers are 18 years of age or older to work alone or 14 years or older accompanied by a guardian. If you would like more information to see if volunteering is right for you, please fill out a volunteer application to get started.



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Kitty City is predominantly a cat sanctuary for FIV+ cats and disabled cats. When we have room, time and money we continually pull homeless, abandoned and sick cats off the street via trapping. These cats will need to be fostered until they can be spayed/neutered, vaccinated, dewormed and brought back to health. During that time we need a foster home that can care for them until such time they can be adopted. Kitty City will provide everything you need and pay the vet bills (vet appointments must be preapproved).


Fostering is very rewarding and is great for people who don’t want to have pets full-time.

Still interested? Please contact us for more info. We would love to add you to our awesome team of foster volunteers. You will need training, guidance and supplies to get set up initially. We have very strict foster guidelines and do require a volunteer application  be filled out. 

You must be 18 years of age or older to foster for Kitty City.







Physical Address (by appt only):

4747 22nd Ave, Mandan, ND 58554

Mailing Address:

3204 46th Ave. SE, Mandan, ND 58554

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